Tuesday, November 2, 2010

25 Days of Thanksgiving: Days 1 & 2

I really like the idea of a thankfulness countdown to Thanksgiving day. It conjures thoughts of our family's traditional advent calendar, and heightens the enjoyment of the holiday season. So last night, as I tucked our precious Princess Pea Pod into bed (which was a chore, since she was still pinging off the walls in reaction to a dose of Sudafed PE that I had given per dosing instructions 6 hours earlier) I asked her to name something for which she is thankful. Her response: "This baby right here that you gave me the other day that you gave me for Christmas when I was a baby." I'll take that - but I'm not going to lie and say I didn't deflate just a little. I smiled, I hugged her, and I said "I am thankful for you." To which she responded, "OH! Well I am thankful for you and Daddy!" Maybe she gets it, maybe she doesn't quite yet... 23 more nights of tucking her in before Thanksgiving day.
For the record, on the 2nd day of Thanksgiving I am thankful for my geek. Hot Daddy. The love of my life, the father of our precious principessa. I sure am blessed!

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