Wednesday, November 17, 2010

25 Days of Thanksgiving: Days 16-17

Yesterday I posted the link to a cute everyday kind of card. And I started to think that my blog looks like a big ol' monument to Shutterfly. I felt kind of weird about it for a few minutes and then thought "But I LOVE Shutterfly!" Maybe I'll settle down a little after Christmas. After Princess Pea Pod has opened the (not one, but TWO) Fairytale Friendship stories I wrote and have ordered in photo books, and after we've read both of the stories a jillion times because she is going to be fascinated by the fairytale stories about herself and her friend Lily. After all the adorable Christmas cards have been sent... maybe then I'll settle down a little. Maybe. And so, for day 16, I am thankful for...

Can you guess?

Is the suspense driving you bonkers?!?


(Were you surprised? Really?)

Day 17 takes a more serious tone. This morning we got a call and learned that our very favorite, very best babysitter in the WORLD would not be coming to play with Princess Pea Pod today. They had a death in the family. And so I did what I could do: I baked. I am still baking. I bake when I'm happy, I bake when I'm sad, I bake for a crowd, or I bake pumpkin muffins just for myself. Because we adore K and her family, I'm sharing pumpkin muffins with them. (Yeah, she's THAT special!) I am tempted to say I am thankful for baking, or for pumpkin muffins, or that insane coconut cake that will scream my name till we cut it tomorrow night. More than all those things, I am thankful for K and her family.

We've known them since K and her sister T were little girls. She started babysitting for us about 2 years ago, before she was old enough to watch Princess Pea Pod all by herself. She comes over once a week to give me a 2 hour break when I can work in peace, and she gets experience. She is now able to babysit all by herself. I'm a little teary eyed! I can't believe little K is old enough to babysit all by herself! Now I'm going to dry my eyes and check on my last batch of pumpkin muffins.

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