Connilynn Cossette recently released the latest installment of her The Kings Men series with Shield of the Mighty. In this story, Zevi battles his past and present to save his future. As a captain in the newly appointed King Saul’s army, Zevi is tasked with recruiting soldiers and artisans and gathering tributes for the king from the one tribe he dreads to face: the one that turned him out as an orphaned child and delivered him into the begrudging hands of relatives who did not want him. And one that wants nothing to do with supporting a Benjamite king. It is in his former hometown that he comes face to face with an artisan who just might be able to save them all in the eyes of King Saul; one who has no love for the king or his recruitment. But without her, their hometown forfeits any hope of protection by the army and will inevitably fall in a horrific way to the unspeakable acts of horror by the Philistines. Zevi cannot allow this to happen. Not to Maresha and not to her.
Cossette is positively brilliant with biblical historical fiction. Her passionate research shows as she crafts a rich world in which we can see the history of God’s people play out in a nearly tangible way. There is not a page when I am not in the setting, smelling the earth and the scents of the various plants Yochana uses in her fragrances and oils. Her characters are my family; the compound at Kiryat-Yearim is a familiar home to me. Complex scene settings, thorough and relatable characters, and intricate plots keep me enthralled from beginning to end. Shield of the Mighty is marked with consistency of her craft and a must-read in my opinion.
The Kings Men series new release Sheild of the Mighty by Connilyn Cossette is available now from your favorite local bookseller or online:
Christian Book Amazon Barnes & Noble Walmart
This is where I usually write a disclaimer, thanking the author and publisher for allowing me a copy to read and review. However, this disclaimer is where I thank my beloved husband for fully supporting my purchase of this book. As always, I’m full of opinions, which are my own and are completely honest.
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