Thursday, November 18, 2010

25 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 18

Oh, how I am tempted to say that today I am thankful for words out of the mouths of babes. This morning my dear, precious Princess Pea Pod asked if she could button my cardigan and I asked her to button only the top button. She worked on it for about a minute and got the small button through the buttonhole. Then she took a step back, checked me from head to toe, and announced "Mommy! It looks like a tent!"




I was knocked flat on my tushie! I look like I'm wearing a tent?!? I look huge? I was just about to shut myself in the bathroom for a good cry when I realized that she wasn't calling me a bloated whale. The upside down V created by buttoning only the top button reminded her of the triangle made by the tent door. I could literally feel the anxiety melt away as I realized that I only look like the door on The Dump. (The Dump is our big ol' tent. Its a whole different story!) And then she gave me a big hug and a kiss and ran off to finish getting ready for school. She has no idea what she did to me this morning. She won't. Because she loves(!) camping and she loves(!) tents, and this morning my sweater reminded her of two things she loves. What a kid!

Today, on day 18 of thanks-giving, I am thankful for Thanksgiving celebrations. In about an hour and a half I will be enjoying the festivities of a preschool Thanksgiving with my Princess Pea Pod and her friends. Preschoolers really know how to celebrate! I'm taking my camera; there will definitely be pics. And, as if once isn't enough, this evening I will celebrate Thanksgiving with my bible study girls. Yay! I may be too miserable to sleep tonight, but I'll sure enjoy getting there! So today, a week before Thanksgiving Day, I encourage you to celebrate something for which you are thankful. And then eat a piece of pie!

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