Monday, November 8, 2010

25 Days of Thanksgiving: Days 7 & 8

Yesterday was loads of fun... well, if you weed out the not-so-fun part that involved car trouble. (Which is redeemed by the good part where my super handy, absolutely awesome hubby fixed the car. Because he's super handy and absolutely awesome!) For day 7 of giving thanks, I am thankful for family Christmas ornaments. It seems kind of silly to be thankful for a little token that hangs on our tree by a piece of ribbon, but as we put up our Christmas tree yesterday (yep, we're early... we love the whole Thanksgiving-Christmas season!) I got to explain every little token's story. The "Our First Christmas" ornament from the year "Hot Daddy" and I were married, the bunny in a baby bootie from the Christmas before Princess Pea Pod was born, and then kitten in a stroller from her first Christmas... and all the ornaments for all the years in between. It took hours to put up the tree. Much of that time included little tidbits about the peace dove ornament, or the Merry Christmas scroll ornament given to me by a good friend when we were in junior high, or the handmade baked dough ornaments that each have a family member's name on them. And most of that time also included our little principessa dancing around the tree to the Christmas music on tv. 

For day 8, I am thankful for a camera that fits in my purse. That might seem silly until you think about the fact that, if I didn't have a camera small enough to drop down in my purse I wouldn't have gotten THIS pic.
I have known these awesome people No joke. They are friends of my parents. Their son is a friend of my brother. Their daughter is a friend of mine. Our family went to church with their family when we were kids (ok, it all started when he and my dad were kids.) We played at their house, they played at our house... they were always there. Then we moved. Then they moved. And we've only seen each other a handful of times since then. If I hadn't had my camera in my purse when we saw them at the mall in Branson last weekend, I wouldn't have this picture. And I'm thankful for this picture to remind me of the treasure of that kind of friendship.
I'm also thankful that I could grab the camera and snap this shot.
What a family!

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