Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Doorbell

I've been thinking about the following verse a lot today. Its speaking to me in a very real way.

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. Revelation 3:20

Have you ever heard the doorbell ring, only to find no one there when you opened the door? We had an incident with some neighborhood kids a few months ago. They got a kick out of ringing our doorbell around 11pm and running away. Hot Daddy would hear them snickering as they ran away. At first I was upset; if they woke Princess Pea Pod up with their tomfoolery we'd all be up for the rest of the night. Then I was tempted to engage them. How fun would it have been to wait on the roof with water balloons? Then I decided it was about time to go "Mark Lowry's mama" on them. "I said GET ON YOUR KNEES RIGHT NOW!" Then they got bored with us, or their mamas got a hold of them, or one of the neighbors got a hold of them, and they quit.

Now we've developed a spastic doorbell. It goes off in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. It happens at the time of night when mischievous kids have given up and gone to sleep. There are no sounds to indicate that there is someone running away. It probably has to do with the 30+ year old doorbell, but it has me thinking about the times when the doorbell rings and there's no one there; there are no kids running around the corner giggling. Who is it that rings the doorbell then? Is there really no one there? Or is there a dinner guest just waiting for you to answer His call?

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