Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Another Francine Rivers Giveaway!

Yesterday I posted about the exciting Francine Rivers giveaways on the Tyndale blog. If you haven't checked it out, I encourage you to! And speaking of "encouragement"... Francine is also celebrating the release of her Sons of Encouragement compilation with a virtual book tour on Facebook. I read The Scribe a couple months ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thoroughly! I look forward to reading the rest of the series as well, and am quite happy to see them bound together in this lovely book.

The cover reminds me of the one for A Lineage of Grace, which is a wonderful book with one of the most beautiful covers I've ever seen. (Isn't it lovely? I can smell the wheat. I can feel the tickle of the grain dust in my nose, the tickle of a trickle of sweat sliding down my face, the sun beating down on my arms.)

So I am super excited to tell you that they are giving away 20+ copies of the new Sons of Encouragement 5-in-1 book for those who join the virtual book tour. Check it out here:

Happy Reading!

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