Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Book Clubs ROCK!

I have never been in a book club before - at least I hadn't until shortly after I scrawled "Use me wherever you need me." on the bottom of a sign up sheet for our church women's ministry. Then they actually did use me where they needed me and I had a little "God, are you sure you know what you are doing here?" panic attack. No lie. But of course He knows what He is doing here, and I am loving every minute of this journey! We are reading some great books, gaining valuable insight, and the fellowship is fantastic!

Last night I shared some really exciting news with my Lit & Latte ladies, and I wanted to share it with you as well. First, the Francine Rivers Facebook fan page is approaching 100,000 fans. To celebrate this milestone, she and Tyndale House are offering a free e-book of Leota's Garden and they are giving away some books. From the moment I opened my first Mark of the Lion book I was a goner. I may have neglected some household duties to get swept away with that one. To say the least, it was a life changing read! A Lineage of Grace has been an amazing journey for our book club over the last 5 months. I look forward to reading more of her inspired works! You can find information about Francine Rivers and this exciting giveaway on the Tyndale blog at http://www.tyndale.com/blog/?p=1042.

Liz Curtis Higgs has an offer for book clubs who are reading Here Burns My Candle or its newly released sequel, Mine Is the Night! You can submit a request for a conference call or Skype call to discuss the book(s) with the bonny lass at http://www.lizcurtishiggs.com/bookclub/form.htm. Our club has decided to read both and has arranged a call after Mine Is the Night. (That's right, Lit & Latte lasses! I got the e-mail back today and we have a date & time!) I highly recommend her Scottish historical fiction! I highly recommend her non-fiction! I highly recommend her children's books! (I do not recommend reading Go Away, Dark Night to your child who is not afraid of the dark. I messed up and gave my 4 year old the idea of being afraid of the dark. Oops!)

So go forth, dear friends, and read a good book! Then go grab a cup of coffee, or Diet Dr. Pepper, or whatever tickles your fancy, and discuss that book with a group of friends. It'll make your day!

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