Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tea For Two... or Four

This morning our little principessa decided to have a tea party. This morning I decided to not freak out when she insisted on getting her "tea" from the bathroom -
primarily because I heard her at the sink in there. Whew!

(For the record, these pictures are from March. The sun is NOT shining today and 
Princess Pea Pod's attire is slightly more appropriate for the season.)

She poured a cup of tea for Mommy.
She poured a cup of tea for Daddy.
She stopped.
She looked around.
She puzzled.
She asked "Where's Daddy?"
Daddy left for work an hour ago.
She decided to save a cup of tea for Daddy.

She also decided to get the kitty in on the tea party. (I say "Why not!
He already insists on drinking from a cup anyway!")
I'm pretty sure he isn't even aware that he isn't human.

So she filled a tea cup and put it on the floor next to his water bowl.
I shouldn't be surprised that he drank the tea readily when it was on her table
and shunned it completely when it was placed on the floor.
Geez! Don't we know he belongs at the table with the rest of the family?!?

Tea anyone?

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