Friday, January 7, 2011

Now THAT'S Resourceful

I happen to know a kid who loves to open gifts. (Who doesn't?!?)
I also happen to know a kid who loves to give gifts! She's a lot like her mother. So after all of the paper slinging and gift giving of the Christmas holiday I was a bit frustrated that our little principessa was upset that she had run out of gifts. We had a long talk about how a gift is from the heart of the giver, and we should be thankful for them without being greedy. I was really getting into a discussion about materialism and appreciation for the best gifts of all - love, friendship, grace - when she set me straight. "But Mommy, I don't want MORE, I just have fun wrapping and opening them." OH! I get it! So I asked her how she wanted to solve the problem. She decided to re-wrap her gifts so she could open them all over again, so she gathered up gift bags and went to it. Now THAT'S resourceful!

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