Wednesday, January 26, 2011


We had snow last week. I am writing about it this week. 
Did you know a week had passed? (I was only vaguely aware!)
For the first time in at least a year, and probably the only time this year,
Hot Daddy & I shoveled snow from our driveway. 
Of course, I took my camera. Here are a few gems from the day.

Hot Daddy loves these wind chimes because they don't actually make much noise. I love the way they look against the snowy tree backdrop. I also love that I could take this picture from mostly inside the house by hanging out the back door!

Princess Pea Pod has been talking about catching January snowflakes on her tongue since we watched the Charlie Brown Christmas show this year.
She finally got her January snowflakes! 

And we finally got enough snow to make a good snow angel.
She is a big fan of snow angels!

And then it began...

the snowball showdown...


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