Monday, January 10, 2011

Any Snow Is Good Snow

It snowed here last night. Not much... not much at all... but to our four year old it was very exciting. She woke up this morning and ran to all the windows, peering out and finally assessing that it snowed "EVERYWHERE!" She promptly began gearing up for a romp outside, then ran to the back porch to make a snow angel.
The snow angel picture was taken through the window with my phone camera. (Its too cold for this chick to be standing around outside.) This is a picture of her cute little nose peeking out of its warm, cozy place. She's standing in front of the grill, which is where she was standing when her daddy came around the side of the garage and pelted her with a snow puff. (There isn't even enough to make a respectable snowball!) Then he flipped snow off the grill and onto our principessa.
She would not be outdone! Haha, Daddy-Waddy! Back atcha!
Then Daddy-Waddy announced that he had just about had enough of this white stuff and the wind that came with it.
She sure does love that Daddy-Waddy! She likes the snow too.
(And the backyard birds like all the food she and Daddy-Waddy set out during
their morning frolic in the snow.)

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