You know, I finally kept a resolution all year! Last year I realized that I was living every moment through the camera lens, determined not to miss a moment, but to record every event of our lives. I ended up living our moments through the pictures I took, and rarely enjoying them with my family at the time they occurred. Therefore, I resolved to live more in the moments. Looking at the number of pictures I have taken this year vs. last year, I have managed to do just that!
Having said that, here are a few glances back at our Christmas and New Year's celebrations.
There was some friendly family competition! Note to niece: I said I wouldn't put the pics on Facebook and tag you. There were no blog-related promises!
I do regret promising not to take pictures of Hot Daddy playing Just Dance 2 with his brother and all the kids. It was priceless!
Maddi, the panda, made out like a Build-A-Bear bandit! Princess Pea Pod was psyched!
Do you see that Maddi is asleep, but Princess Pea Pod is still dancing and prancing in her Snow White slippers?
She did a lot of that.
She's still doing a lot of that!
This was Princess Pea Pod's first year to really get into leaving cookies and milk for Santa. Those are some of our Cookie Day cookies.
That's a tradition we should definitely keep!
There was a lot of this. Sleeping peacefully, dreaming blissfully?
About every 30 seconds we would hear "You can tell Santa I'm asleep now!"
But she did finally give in! Thanks to a pretty rigid sleep schedule, we were able to get up at the usual time and get the camera ready before she stirred.
We know this year could be the last. We savored it!
She was even groggy enough to let me get a picture before the paper slinging began!
This little beauty is our 4 year old's first gun.
"You'll shoot your eye out." (If you can't name that movie then you seriously need to go watch A Christmas Story. NOW! The come back and finish reading.)
It was Papaw's idea. Was I upset?
Just a little jealous that I didn't get mine until I was six!
These beauties are my cousins. I love them. They are some pretty fantastic females!
(Hey C! We'll see YOU in June!)
And THIS is the remains of an M&M cookie ice cream sandwich.
Princess Pea Pod loves them.
She ate the cookies first and scooped the ice cream out of her palm
to eat it with her fingers.
I only spazzed a little about the sticky mess.
She must be breaking me down.
What better way to bring in the new year than with loved ones we don't often see?
This side of the family lives seh-veh-ral hours away.
We love these guys!
This is what Princess Pea Pod looks like when she's wired on sugar
(see the ice cream blob above) and wound up!
"I'm so happyyyyyyyyy!"

We had an experience with Build-A-Bear, and I learned a valuable lesson in making promises I may not be able to keep. I also learned a valuable lesson about malls in the big city. You see, I looked online to check the hours for BABW on my handy-dandy phone. Then I told Princess Pea Pod that we could do something very special and go to Build-A-Bear with her cousin, Caitlyn. As a result, we had a very.excited.principessa.
Then we got to the mall and found all the stores closed. Including BABW. As a result, we had a very.bummed.principessa. I was in the dog house, and it was not one of those cute, foofy Build-A-Bear doghouses either. I decided to make it up by having her at the store when they opened the next morning. Again, I used my handy-dandy phone to check and quickly found the local store hours. I made a plan for all of us to arrive just minutes before the store opened. The plan was executed beautifully. And then my sweet principessa ended up standing outside the store for an hour.
So what is the lesson here? When in the big city, make sure you are looking at the hours for the correct location. Apparently there are places big enough to have multiple malls.
I am shocked!
So Princess Pea Pod and Caitlyn built matching puppies. True to her style, our principessa named her puppy for a friend. The above picture shows her with Caitlyn the puppy, Caitlyn the cousin, and Dawg.