Thursday, July 21, 2011

Vacation: Principessa Style

We took a little trip a couple weeks ago... for a couple weeks...
My favorite souvenir? No question about it; its my new sister-in-law! She's adorable! She's fun! She loves my brother and he loves her! (Hi, Aunt Jenn! We love you!)

So then, when I looked at my pictures for blog inspiration (that happens around here sometimes) I thought about several different options. I don't have any good pictures from the wedding. This time I decided I was going to LIVE the moment.

I decided to share a few pictures about Princess Pea Pod's various adventures. She enjoyed a few!

In Nashville, she tried on the country star persona.

She's a Jeep fan. We counted 588 in 5 states over the 2 weeks we were gone. The cross-country-Jeep-a-thon was a success. Here she is in Uncle Squirrel Bait's Jeep. 
She was psyched until we got on the interstate with the doors and back window off. 
Now she's going to have a pink Jeep someday, but she's never taking anything off.

The 3-D Bugs movie was cool. She didn't even freak out when the praying mantis ate the butterfly.
She's a tough chick like that!

She was cool watching the jellyfish at Discovery Place. 
Then one popped up out of nowhere
and she nearly fell off the stool!

A picture from the wedding:
Princess Pea Pod loves her Uncle Squirrel Bait.
Uncle Squirrel Bait loves Princess Pea Pod.
I love them both!!!

I didn't even know she could surf!

And don't even get me started on her alternate life at sea!

She likes beachcombing. She's freaked by jellies.
She quit washing off the shells because there might be jellyfish.
I became the shell washer!

She brought a bear family together in the Smokies.

This was definitely a highlight of the trip for Princess Pea Pod.
She climbed to the top of the rock wall at the NOC Outpost.
She rang the bell.
She rappelled down.
She was victorious!

We followed that up with a tram ride up the mountain to
Ober Gatlinburg.
Where we were then stuck to wait out a big storm.
She really liked the tram... until she found out that a little boy
um, lost his lunch, on the other one.
She got a little freaked out when that one passed over ours on the way back down the mountain!

Princess Pea Pod & Daddy-waddy have friends in cold places.

She doesn't like whole fruits, but she wants to. She loved seeing the apples on the tree.
She loves applesauce. She didn't like eating the apples.
We'll try again later!

Princess Pea Pod is a bird whisperer.

She had a great time. We all did!
Vacation Principessa style is one fun trip!

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