Wednesday, June 15, 2011


The super-awesome book club I am in has been reading Here Burns My Candle and Mine Is The Night by Liz Curtis Higgs. I love Liz Curtis Higgs! I may have mentioned that before... but its true. At our next meeting, she is even going to join us via Skype (Yay for modern conveniences!) So I thought I would make Mrs. Tudhope's shortbread from a recent newsletter that Liz sent. (Mrs. Tudhope's shortbread is credited with making a dress or too a tad snug in Mine Is The Night. Now I TOTALLY understand why!)

Then my principessa found out I was thinking about making shortbread, and I went from "thinking about making shortbread" to "making shortbread!"

You might notice that I went straight past "cleaning the kitchen" and right into "making the shortbread." Focus on the cute kid and the lovely blob o' dough! She really liked the kneading.

It was really nice to be able to say "Just lick that dough right off those hands!" No eggs means Mommy doesn't spaz when Princess Pea Pod tries to eat raw dough. Not like eating raw cookie dough ever hurt me, but I suppose we'll keep that little secret to ourselves.

Be sure to get it all...

I call this "Self Satisfaction."

She even buttered the baking dish all by herself... ish... We had a great talk about how awesome butter is. About how you should just never accept substitutes with butter. About how you can never, never, never have too much butter. About how you should consume the real deal, but in moderation so you don't have a heart attack before you finish elementary school. Then we buttered the dish a little more.

Does anyone else hear an angel chorus?

This is the part where we should have let it cool completely before cutting. This is also the part where I really wanted to get this little slice of heaven cut so I could take some to M & T to get their opinions. I would encourage you to let it cool completely before cutting. I would also encourage you to share. But I wouldn't blame you for ignoring me!

Since we were running out the door, I forgot to take a picture of Princess Pea Pod and her shortbread until after church. Then I had left my camera at home because I was going to take a picture before we left. So you get a cell phone shot of a proud principessa and her handiwork.

And her shortbread crumbs on her mouth.

I'm just going to go out on a limb and suggest that you MIGHT want to be at the Lit & Latte meeting next Monday. It's going to be yummy... um... I mean, fun!

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