Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Raising Them Right

We are close enough to Joplin, MO, that the destruction left behind by the tornado has hit close to home. We are also close enough that teams from our area are collecting donations to be taken to Joplin in the morning. As we watch the weather tonight, I pray that the poor, storm ravaged souls in Joplin are spared from another direct hit.

Last night I was setting out the coffee pots and fruit pizza, preparing for another wonderful meeting with my Lit & Latte ladies. I checked my Facebook page to see if anyone had posted that they were or were not going to make it. I saw a post regarding a collection site and thought "I wish I had something to send." Then I realized that I did have something to send. Last weekend I was compelled to purchase two cases of bottled water. We don't drink bottled water; we filter it through the pitcher and use reusable bottles to reduce waste. I couldn't explain why, but I bought them. Last night it became perfectly clear that the Lord had been meeting those needs before they were ever realized.

I came home and asked Hot Daddy to load the cases of water into the car, planning to take them to the collection site in the morning. And then I remembered a drawer full of travel sized items I've gotten in the mail. And then I remembered that I had a couple extra packages of razors, a couple extra bottles of body wash, a couple extra tubes of toothpaste. We gathered everything we could find. And Princess Pea Pod was watching.

She asked us why we were gathering those items. We explained that the tornado had destroyed people's homes, their churches, their stores. They had lost their clothes, toothbrushes, toothpaste... everything. Children had lost their lovies. She walked away and we kept trying to think of anything else we could send. She returned a couple minutes later with Banky, a lovey she has had since birth. She held Banky out to us and said, "I can send my Banky." We explained that Banky is old and ratty; Banky is beautiful to us, but probably not good to send. She walked away and found us again after a few minutes. "I love Tiana, but someone else needs her more." We decided it would be better for us to take her to the dollar store and get a couple cuddly stuffed animals to send to the children. To make an already long story a little less long, I took her and her friend, All Caps Girl, to the dollar store today. They bought some cuddly friends for the children, and then we took all we could to the collection site.

I told a few friends about our principessa being so willing to share her beloved Banky and Tiana. Because it truly touched my heart that she would be willing to part with those things for the sake of the children who had none. And more than once I heard "That just goes to show you are raising her right." Thank you, but here's what I've got to say about that. I am not raising her. We are not raising her. God is raising her up through us. Anything that looks like something we've done right is not our work, but His. (And anything that looks like something we've done wrong... well, "What were we talking about?")

And that's all I've got to say about that.

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