Friday, May 13, 2011

Getting Caught

It was a dark and stormy night...

Wrong story! It was actually a warm, sunny day. It was Mother's Day. It was also our seventh anniversary. It was a perfect day to take Princess Pea Pod fishing for the very first time. Finally. So we got a big ol' cup of worms and took the fishing poles to the pond. Principessa and Hot Daddy had been practicing casting in the back yard for a few weeks, so she was good. I mean, this kid is really good! Hot Daddy was peacefully planted a couple yards away. Grandma was on one side of Principessa, and I was on the other. Apparently, I was in the danger zone. I didn't know this until it was too late.

It was time to cast. Princess Pea Pod reached back and let 'er fly. We all watched and waited for the soft "plink" of worm on water. But there was no plink. No worm. But I did notice a little stinging on my chest. Apparently that happens when a worm on a hook is lodged there. Thankfully it wasn't very deep and came out easily after a millisecond of "Oh-My-GRODY-There's-A-Worm-Lodged-In-My-FLESH!" panic. I think Principessa was scarred more than I. She let me stand next to her while the line was out, but she gave me this little number every time she went to cast:

"Get way, way, way, way, waaaay back, Mommy."

1 comment:

Book Review - Storm Warning

Storm season in the Pacific Northwest is particularly harrowing this year, as it finds Remi Grant facing her demons and running for her life...