Monday, May 15, 2023

Book Review - The Long March Home

A story of friendship and brotherhood that spans several decades, The Long March Home opens in Mobile, Alabama in the early days of childhood for Jimmy, Claire and Billy. With mothers who are very close friends, it is no wonder the three who are so close in age would spend most of their waking hours together. When the group picks up Hank in elementary school, they seem to be complete. Things get a little more difficult as high school comes around; Jimmy notices Claire has become a woman, one who seems to be catching attention from other boys just when he also realizes she’s the only girl for him. His hellfire-and-brimstone preacher father has very specific plans that don’t look anything like what he wants, but Jimmy also knows he will have to choose between his father’s plans and the girl of his dreams. World War II changes the trajectory of his life, along with Hank and Billy, when the three run off to enlist. The long march home for these boys begins as they are complacent with a life of relative leisure in the Philippines and takes them to some very dark and difficult places as their daydreams become a painfully real nightmare.

Marcus Brotherton and Tosca Lee are both excellent researchers and storytellers, a fact which is quite obvious as you read through the story they have created together. Based on historical records of the troops who were pinned down on the Bataan Peninsula, the characters and events on The Long March Home are exceptionally real and painfully relevant. While crafting an entertaining story, albeit one that will break your heart over and over again, Brotherton and Lee have honored the veterans who gave their lives to fight tyranny. This work of historical fiction is a fitting tribute to their sacrifice. Keep your tissues handy; if this book was any less heartbreaking it wouldn’t be worth reading.

The Long March Home by Marcus Brotherton and Tosca Lee is available now from your favorite local bookseller or online:

Baker Book House            Christian Book            Barnes & Noble            Amazon

Thank you to the author and publisher for allowing me a copy to read and review. All opinions expressed here are my own and are completely genuine.

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