Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Book Review - In Feast or Famine

In her latest addition to the Egyptian Chronicles series, Mesu Andrews picks up the story of Joseph ben Jacob in the depths of Potiphar’s prison, where we left him at the conclusion of the magnificent Potiphar’s Wife. Though we know Elohim used Joseph to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams and therefore manage the great years of plenty and following years of famine to provide for nations, eventually reuniting Joseph with his long lost family, we do not know much about what actually happened in that time. With meticulous research and inspired imagination, Andrews takes us there to witness firsthand how political intrigue and the work of Elohim may have played out to heal the land, heal wounded hearts, and glorify the One God.

Layered eloquently within the known biblical story are elements of timeless themes that bring complex characters to relevance: the longing for a parent’s love, the turmoil of seething hate vs the balm of forgiveness, healing of hearts and of nations, a mother’s fierce drive to care for her children and balance those needs with the needs of the household or even a greater population. Asenath, locked away in a tower for fifteen years with only vague memories of the brutal attack that stole her mother and which she barely survived, chantress of On and destined to become Isis Incarnate, with a destiny determined and laid clearly before her must fulfill her purpose to heal the Two Lands. Joseph, restored from prison to become Egypt’s vizier, knows only Elohim can save and heal the nation’s wounds. Commanded to marry by a pharaoh who is wise beyond his years, the two may be committed to working together for the good of the Two Lands, but there are many obstacles to overcome.

Andrews writes with exceptional insight to captivate the reader, who is not merely an observer of one of the great stories in the lineage of Christ, but an active participant and part of the family of the One God. Come into In Feast or Famine prepared to feel the awesome works of Elohim in a soul deep way that, at least for me, often required stopping at the end of the chapter to digest and work through all that had been unpacked before me.

In Feast or Famine, the second book of the Egyptian Chronicles series, by Mesu Andrews is available now from your favorite local bookseller or online:

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Thank you to the author and publisher for allowing me a copy to read and review. All opinions expressed here are my own and are completely genuine.

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