I am the wife of a loving husband and the mother of a precious principessa. I am a sinner thankful for a Savior, and I am a woman living day by day by the grace of God. Roll with me as I share thoughts about life, and I promise to never be anything other than what I am!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
Lit & Latte Love
I can't believe it has been nearly two years since the birth of Lit & Latte, which is (in my opinion) the greatest group of girlfriends to ever discuss a book over coffee! It's another one of those strange stories about how God had this plan for me and, even though I really wasn't totally sure I agreed with Him, I went along for the ride and quickly realized that (as usual) He was right. Funny how He's always right and I'm often amazed when... HE'S RIGHT! As usual, I am so glad He is right... L&L has blessed me in so many ways! Book club is amazing. Book club plus coffee is outstanding. Book club plus coffee plus amazing friends I might have completely missed out on without the book club and coffee is SUPERFANTABULAWESOMENESS!
So... flashback photo from last June, when we chatted with the bonniest lass to ever put pen to paper... Liz Curtis Higgs!
If you've ever spent more than 10 seconds discussing literature with me, you'll know that I truly believe Liz is the greatest author to ever grace the bookshelves. She is the first author to make me truly forget I am reading a book. Having the opportunity to discuss her books with her was very (um, very) high on the "Most Fantastic Events of My Life" list. Check her out: http://www.lizcurtishiggs.com/
You won't regret it!
Then one day, on a lark, I got this free book for my Kindle. It was called Love Amid the Ashes and was written by an author who was completely unfamiliar to me, Mesu Andrews. I had no expectations for this book, but I gave it a shot. Then I went and found it in print to share with my friends. Then I went and bought another copy to take to the L&L Christmas party. This was the first book I've ever put down and thought "This woman rates up there with Liz!" Mesu writes this story about Job (yes, THE Job) and Dinah in a way that flows perfectly, conflicts realistically, and ends... well, you'd resent me for telling you! I was left wanting more! Lo and behold, after masterfully handling Job's story, she tackles Solomon and his beloved in her next novel. I've already purchased three copies!
Now, let me tell you this... DO NOT read Love's Sacred Song if you want sugar and gumdrops. You will be disappointed. DO read Love's Sacred Song after you check out the bible study on her site: http://www.mesuandrews.com/ (Look under Free Stuff, then next to the picture of the book cover.) I read it cover to cover the first time, drinking it with gusto as if it was a caramel frappuccino. It was yummy...
Then L&L enjoyed a call with Mesu to discuss Love Amid the Ashes and in preparation for an upcoming call with her to discuss Love's Sacred Song, she challenged us to look for the Christ figure in the story. That prompted me to really get into the bible study and discussion guide for LSS. In my second reading of this story, which has already taken a week (6 days longer than it took me to slurp it up the first time,) I am only now getting to chapter 8. Why? Because every other sentence is highlighted, with notes on my Kindle and notes in my notebook... papers scattered all around me as I read. I can't wait to discuss it with Mesu and my L&L girls! (I sure hope I get through it again in time!) Here's the pic from our call with Mesu last month.
Shameless plug (in case you didn't notice that the whole post was a shameless plug!)...
You can find this fantastic group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lit-Latte/128330210566983
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Of Trebuchets & Chubby Bunnies
My super fantastic family was here last week, and I took time off work to enjoy every possible moment with them. They live in Indiana, and we don't get to see them nearly as often as we would like. So when they were coming to visit for a few days, I dropped everything. (I offer my laundry and dishes... and vaccuuming... and bathroom scrubbing... as examples.) I don't know how it started, but within hours my dad and my cousin were on their way to Lowes to get supplies, and by the next morning they were test firing this beauty (the trebuchet, not the chicken coop.)
There was talk of firing off the feathered menace, but Billy Bob survived the weekend. They got the best results with rocks, but the biggest fun with water balloons.
While they were busy with the trebuchet, the other kids were having fun with the balloons that didn't get launched. Apparently Fat Albert wasn't meant to fly...
There was talk of firing off the feathered menace, but Billy Bob survived the weekend. They got the best results with rocks, but the biggest fun with water balloons.
While they were busy with the trebuchet, the other kids were having fun with the balloons that didn't get launched. Apparently Fat Albert wasn't meant to fly...
To top it all off, the kids played Chubby Bunny. That was pretty cool while it lasted, but the other kids were no competition for Anna, so the appeal wore off pretty quickly.
We're always sad to see them go. Now we're looking forward to next time!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
While I Was Sleeping
It has been four weeks since my little ER visit. Vertigo is a beast. This post isn't about that event, which we're still working through, but about everything that happened while I was sleeping it off. Because even when I'm awake, I'm still not totally involved in any situation... I'm pretty much sleepwalking.
So while I was sleeping...
Easter came and went. This was right after the incident, so this is all we have. Thanks to Papaw for grabbing the camera.
Our principessa had a solo in her kindergarten program. She had been working on it for months. I'm super proud of her!
And riding roller coasters! Yikes!
In other news: Way to go, Baxter Bomb Squad! FIRST Robotics World Champs! (You can watch a video of decisive match, during which I am pretty sure I completely forgot to breathe, at http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=H1BphZdFhJ0) The team members and mentors worked very hard and are so incredibly dedicated. This was a hard earned and much deserved honor!
So while I was sleeping...
Easter came and went. This was right after the incident, so this is all we have. Thanks to Papaw for grabbing the camera.
And our principessa turned SIX years old! How did that happen? She was so little and now she's so...
In other news: Way to go, Baxter Bomb Squad! FIRST Robotics World Champs! (You can watch a video of decisive match, during which I am pretty sure I completely forgot to breathe, at http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Sometimes God's Plan Doesn't Look Like Mine
***Note: I started writing this post on 2/26/12, but I have only now gotten a chance to finish it.***
Last week I was reminded that sometimes God's plan doesn't look like mine. I've been learning that lesson over the past few years (see the Walking by Faith posts here) and He has been doing great things in my life. I thought I was going to be posting here that He had finally answered our prayers for a baby. After 3 positive pregnancy tests we were thrilled! But on Valentine's day we miscarried. That was less than thrilling. That was awful. My body hurt, my heart hurt, and even worse - my husband hurt.
Last week I was reminded that sometimes God's plan doesn't look like mine. I've been learning that lesson over the past few years (see the Walking by Faith posts here) and He has been doing great things in my life. I thought I was going to be posting here that He had finally answered our prayers for a baby. After 3 positive pregnancy tests we were thrilled! But on Valentine's day we miscarried. That was less than thrilling. That was awful. My body hurt, my heart hurt, and even worse - my husband hurt.
But here's the thing about losing our baby: it was not ours to lose. That baby was a gift from God. Never getting to hold and hug it doesn't mean that the gift was lost. The great gift that we received is the reminder that it is easy to praise God when things are going the way I want them to. It is a little more difficult to praise God when things just aren't going, but praising God when it looks like life on this earth absolutely stinks... that's how you know He has done great things in you. I am pretty sure the first 6 weeks of this new year has brought more drama and trauma than the last 30-ish years combined, and it would be so easy to crawl under the covers and wail that the Lord has abandoned me. But the truth is just the opposite; He has been here with me through it all, to comfort and guide me. He has a plan for us, He has a plan for me, and it's a good thing it doesn't look like mine. After all, I can't see the big picture, but I know it is written in His book.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Christmas Card Conundrum Resolved
I am a little late posting our Christmas card. Work was hectic and I spent the week after Christmas totally unplugged. It was refreshing! We took a new year's trip to visit family in Indianapolis. So we hope you had a very merry Christmas, and that your 2012 is blessed!
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