Saturday, November 2, 2024

Book Review - The Blooming of Delphinium

Holly Varni had managed to slip under my radar with her debut novel, On Moonberry Lake, so I went back and read the first Moonberry Lake novel before starting The Blooming of Delphinium. I noticed quickly that she writes with wit; zippy dialogue between lively characters draws the reader into Moonberry Lake as a new resident in their own right. Settled in my new literary home, I then proceeded to The Blooming of Delphinium, and stayed firmly entrenched in Moonberry until I reached the end.

Delphinium is at a crossroads, facing foreclosure on the building in which she both runs her floral shop and lives in the apartment where her beloved grandmother lived, she has to find a way to appease the bank without sacrificing her dream. If only that was the sum of her troubles, which are compounded by the small army of old men playing poker in their undershirts in her cooler. It is a small army that grows into a motley crew of senior citizens as the eccentric elderly ladies start tagging along. But big blessings come in slightly frustrating packages sometimes, and these seniors find an understanding ally in Delphinium. It seems the seniors want what we all want: a compassionate listener and a purpose in life. Delphi’s challenges add up quickly as the zany seniors work their mischievous magic to solve their problems and hers in one goofy swoop. Varni’s settings are cozy and homey, but it is her characters that really bring these stories to life. Just as Delphi finds her heart for these larger than life seniors, they will keep you in stitches while you fall in love with them. Along with these relationships, Delphi learns a lot about romance and finds revelations about her family that change her perspective of her parents and herself.

The Blooming of Delphinium, the second book in the Moonberry Lake series by Holly Varni is available now from your favorite local bookseller or online:

Baker Book House        Christian Book        Amazon        Barnes & Noble       

Thank you to the author and publisher for allowing me a copy to read and review. All opinions expressed here are my own and are completely genuine. 

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