Thursday, April 18, 2024

Book Review - What in the World?!

If you are not yet familiar with Leanne Morgan, scurry your precious little thumbs over to any social media platform and watch her. But definitely do it on a thoroughly empty bladder and take off your mascara, because it will be streaking across your darling little face, anyway. Also, I recommend watching in the privacy of your own home, because people tend to look at you askance when you snort laugh in public. Or do it in public because you are middle aged and have figured out God and your husband are the only ones whose judgement matters. That is just how I roll.

Now, I could have suggested you go straight into the book, but I cannot even imagine tackling it without having her Appalachian drawl in my head the whole time. I have read this book cover to cover and, so help me, I will snatch up the audiobook like a deviant possum if she narrates it. (The deviant possum is a real story from my own life. You can ask my momma.) I have no love for memoirs, but Leanne tells her life story with her signature wit, from growing up with her loving and hardworking family in small town East Tennessee to the less than stellar decisions of young adulthood. We tromp alongside as she says yes to Chuck, bless him, and raises their three children while trying to find herself. And giving God the glory. Plan ahead and bring the tissues, because I snort laughed and ugly cried all the way from cover to cover. I personally recommend reading this one with your book club. That way you can snort laugh and ugly cry all over again when you discuss it with your people.

What in the World?! by Leanne Morgan releases September 24, but go ahead and preorder it now from your favorite local bookseller or online:

Christian Book        Amazon        Barnes & Noble        Walmart

Thank you to the author and publisher for allowing me a copy to read and review. All opinions expressed here are my own and are completely genuine.

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