Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Book Review - The Seamstress of Acadie

For those who revel in Longfellow’s Evangeline, Laura Frantz has delivered a sumptuous novel length romance set in the time of Le Grand Derangement and the turmoil of that event through the eyes of a young Acadian woman and a New England Ranger caught up in the madness of this mass deportation. With beautifully written prose, Frantz creates ties to the Galant home and surrounding lands which bonds the reader to Acadie and incites the proper heartache as Sophie’s family is rounded up among thousands of other Neutrals amidst the troubles between the French and British who covet their land. This is a book that will keep you flipping to the internet to refresh your history in a new light, personalizing the struggles that continued beyond being crammed into the dank, dark, unsanitary holds of ships with uncertain destinations and arriving to the consternation of locals who distrust and despise them based on their language. The character of William is crafted with great care, balancing the determination of a man set to avenge the brutal massacre of his family with that of one who is awakened and determined to make progress for the Acadians. Even the background characters, people and places alike, develop as driving forces in this deeply moving historical tale of home lost and found.

The Seamstress of Acadie by Laura Frantz is available now from your favorite local bookseller or online:

Baker Book House       Christian Book        Amazon        Walmart        Barnes & Noble

Thank you to the author and publisher for allowing me a copy to read and review. All opinions expressed here are my own and are completely genuine.

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