Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Book Review - Life Flight

“Today was not going to be the day they died…” Y’all know I love a strong opening line. This one leaves no doubt that Lynette Eason is going to take us on a thrill ride, so you better be situated securely and recall your crash safety protocol.

The rain and ice should have grounded the flight EMS helicopter pilot Penny Carlton had to sit down hard on the mountain, but that also should have been the hard part of getting their patient to the hospital. A cold hike to a nearby house should have been the second most difficult part of her shift. And an escaped serial killer on the mountain should not have been a factor in this rescue. Unfortunately, serial killers on the run don’t care about “should” and “should not,” and a run in with this one puts Penny on his list.

Penny’s youth is behind her, but the nightmares are not. Instead, they are exacerbated by her mountaintop life or death experience with an escaped serial killer who will not die. Especially when she starts to hear bumps in the night. She sees his face in the crowd as she responds to work calls. Shadows dance along the line between paranoia and reality. Penny is not the only one taking these oddities seriously, as she is surrounded by a fiercely loyal group of friends, one of whom is FBI Special Agent Holt Satterfied.

Holt and Penny have been flirting with more-than-friendship, but hectic schedules and mutual hesitation to share their deepest held tidbits of information hold them back from more. Now Holt’s work and personal lives collide as he chases an escapee who has set his sights on Penny. Will the chase prove fatal for their relationship hopes as their hidden things are revealed or will it prove to both of them that two are better than one? Life Flight kicks off Eason’s new Extreme Measures series with painstaking precision, including scenes that chill to the bone.

Life Flight by Lynette Eason, the first book of her Extreme Measures series, is available now from your favorite local bookseller or online:

Christianbook          Barnes & Noble            Amazon

Thank you to the author and publisher for allowing me a copy to read and review. All opinions expressed here are my own and are completely genuine.

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