Monday, June 21, 2021

Book Review - A Lady in Attendance

Rachel Fordham's latest release, A Lady in Attendance, follows main character Hazel through her time in a reformatory as a willful, but wrongly accused, young woman and also through her struggle to clear her name and be restored to her family. There is no small amount of personal growth involved in this process, which we walk through with Hazel, her dear friends, and the family who felt it necessary to distance themselves from her scandal.

Fordham writes with conviction on the topics of shame, justice, and restoration to give A Lady in Attendance value beyond the beginnings of a romance between Hazel and Gilbert, the dentist who has hired her as his attending lady. Gilbert and Hazel's friend Ina are able to encourage away her determination to wear her shame as a protective cloak and give one more effort to clear her name so she can reunite with her family. I appreciate the way Fordham balanced Hazel's personal growth with that of those who surround her.

A Lady in Attendance is available now from your favorite local bookseller or online.

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Thank you to the author and publisher for allowing me a copy to read and review. All opinions expressed here are my own and are completely genuine. 

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