Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Book Review - When Twilight Breaks

Following her passion for writing the important news and following her leads has not been easy for Evelyn Brand, but it has gotten her assigned to Munich, Germany as an ANS reporter in 1938. It is a time of prosperity for the average person, with the end of communism and a season of economic recovery, but Evelyn sees that there are good, honest people whose livelihoods and whose lives are at risk simply because of their race. It doesn't sit well with Evelyn and she has the opportunity to bring this information to the American people, if only she can get it out of Germany. Determined not to be held back by the fact that she's a woman in a profession that is predominantly male, or by getting too emotionally attached to her sources, she chooses to stay in Munich and report truth even though her situation there is becoming increasingly precarious.

Fully believing that any enemy of my enemy is a friend of mine, Peter Lang's doctorate research on campus of the university in Munich, fine German name and handsome Aryan features make him a popular addition to the campus Nazi organization. His research makes him desirable to them, and although not without some misgivings, the experiences of his past make some of their doctrines seem desirable to him. Getting to know Evelyn is the first step toward removing the scales from his eyes and realizing that sometimes your enemy's enemy is still your enemy.

When Twilight Breaks is the latest release from author Sarah Sundin, whose amazing research and passion for the WW2 era and incredible story building talents never cease to amaze me. She handles the complexities so very delicately, bringing about character development that runs deep into the storyline and challenges the reader to look past face value and really see the people around them. What happens when Evelyn and Peter have to challenge the popular social system and stand up for their beliefs is an intense adventure with a delicate touch of romance that will have you turning pages as fast as you can. In my opinion, it's well worth staying up all night to finish When Twilight Breaks... once you get into it, you won't be able to sleep until the end, anyway!

When Twilight Breaks is currently available from your favorite local bookseller or online at:

Christian Book     Barnes & Noble     Amazon

Thank you to the author and the publisher for allowing me a copy to read and review. All opinions expressed here are my own and are completely genuine.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the lovely review, Emily! I'm so glad you enjoyed Peter & Evelyn's story!


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