Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Book Review - A Dream Within A Dream

A Dream Within A Dream is the third book in the Coffey & Hill series from Mike Nappa and Melissa Kosci. I am going to be straight up with you right now; y'all know I'm a sucker for a series. If I am reviewing the third book in a series, I will absolutely read all three. And now for the sake of honesty, you should know that I didn't read this series. I tried. I really did. I got about three chapters into the first book, Annabel Lee, and walked right away. I was sure this review was going to be an altogether different kind of first for Woman by Grace: one where I explain why I just couldn't get into this book. And now we are all surprised, because A Dream Within A Dream has made a liar out of me.

It took a bit of time for me to grow accustomed to the stream of consciousness flow of Dream's narration. Following the flow of a story that involves an art heist, the Irish mob, Saudi terrorists, and a little boy lost seemed overwhelming. However, it did not take long at all for this madness to snatch my attention and hold me captive until the very last word. Not only that, but the references to previous Coffey and Hill escapades has inspired me to revisit Annabel Lee and follow that with The Raven.

Thank you to the authors and the publisher for allowing me the opportunity to read and review this book. All opinions in this review are my own and are completely genuine.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Book Review - What Momma Left Behind

"I tried to convince myself this was a mistake, but it was like the good Lord stuck His hand down my mouth and pulled them words right out. They was no doubt I'd regret it."

Worie Dressar's notions of family get turned on their ear when her momma leaves this earth and Worie finds that Momma has been caring for the orphans of Sourwood Mountain. What is she supposed to do about the children who keep showing up at her feet with empty bellies and no families? The answer sure wasn't to take them in, but the good Lord had other plans for Worie's life.

Cindy K. Sproles has developed very strong and interesting characters in What Momma Left Behind. Their strengths and flaws are relatable, opening the reader up to a beautiful journey to understanding forgiveness and unconditional love. Her exploration of what makes a family, especially in light of God's love and care, is a heartfelt experience for the reader.

Thank you to the author and publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book. All opinions in this review are my own and are completely genuine.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Book Review - The Heart of a Hero

Susan May Warren's upcoming release, The Heart of a Hero, reunites us with our Global Search and Rescue family. Picking up on relationships we built in the first book, The Way of the Brave, this one focuses on the stormy one between Jake Silver and Aria Sinclair. But here's the deal, this is so much more than adventure. This is so much more than romance. This is...

Aria has been fighting all her life just to thrive, sometimes just to survive. But what really makes her Aria? And why can't she shake the need to be a bit Kia, as well?

Jake is the devil. Or is he? And he knows about grace, but is he really worthy?

And the bigger question: Are we defined by one part of who we are or by the whole? By our vision of ourselves or by God's?

When Jake and Aria are caught in the storm, what's left in the aftermath is well worth reading The Heart of A Hero. There's beauty to be found among the destruction, because sometimes we have to be broken to find the truth.

Thank you to Susan May Warren and to the publisher for allowing me a copy to read and review. Please know, dear reader, that the opinions stated in this review are my own and are completely unbiased.

Book Review - Storm Warning

Storm season in the Pacific Northwest is particularly harrowing this year, as it finds Remi Grant facing her demons and running for her life...