Friday, February 18, 2011

What's Going On?

At this very moment, not much - and I like that. It won't last long. I need to get up now and help Princess Pea Pod clean her room so she and Bunny Lily can destroy it during their slumber party. I think its something moms do. It doesn't seem like such a disaster if I know they started from "clean." But I'm enjoying a few minutes curled up in the recliner with my sweet principessa first.

Last week there was a lot going on around here. We finally kicked that nast-ay old carpet to the curb (figuratively, of course!) That was an interesting undertaking!
First, my dear sweet hubby took down the columns I loved.
They had character, but I do agree they were a bit dated.

Hot Daddy & Princess Pea Pod did a great job of fixing the ceiling with a little teamwork.

Then we ripped up the old carpet and prepped for the new laminate floors.

We were not prepared to find a linoleum museum under our carpet.
There were some doozies! I didn't even get a picture of the old kitchen linoleum.
It was SO retro, and not-so chic!
And what about this golden nugget?

Grandpa suggested nailing the trim on the wall above where it belongs.
I'm glad Hot Daddy didn't follow those instructions precisely!

Then mid-project we had to stop and have a little surgery.

"Permanent" ear tubes and another snip-snip of the ol' adenoid.
We also got a monster snow that day.

The trip to the hospital was no joy-ride, but it paled in comparison to the trip home!
Monster snow is good for soothing sore throats too.

There were a couple rough days before the floor project resumed.

But our tough principessa loves to help with home improvement projects.
Our kid loves tools!
I dare ya to take that mallet from her!

Hot Daddy & Grandpa learned that our sneaky girl even hid the mallet
when she took a break.
Seriously... NO TOUCHIE!

The work got done, though. She loves getting to roller skate through the house.
I love not having gross old carpet!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go clean a room so it can be destroyed.
From scratch!

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