Imagine that your son has been dead for three years when you receive a text message from an unknown phone number, "Help me, Mom." I know I would move mountains to find out where this message came from and what it might mean for my child.
Imagine now that you are minding your own business when this message and the parents to whom it was sent land squarely in the middle of your peaceful Saturday morning breakfast. Amara Alvarez, property crimes detective for the San Antonio Police Department, just wants to eat her breakfast and do her job well enough to get her transferred to Homicide. But she hopes a quick check of the text will prove to be an accident or a nasty prank. She never expects what unravels from there. Aided by a Texas Ranger, the FBI, a quirky and intelligent SAPD medical examiner, a homicide detective named Starsky, and Larry, her trusted iguana, Amara follows the shreds of evidence to uncover something much larger and more sinister than anyone could imagine.
Tom Threadgill offers up quite a thrilling web of unfolding details in Collision of Lies. This book was hard to put down from the very beginning and held my attention firmly. Amara and her cohorts were very relatable and highly enjoyable. I look forward to the next time we meet Detective Alvarez and Larry in action!
Thank you to the publisher for allowing me a copy of this book to read and review. The opinions stated in this review are my own and are my completely honest assessment.
I am the wife of a loving husband and the mother of a precious principessa. I am a sinner thankful for a Savior, and I am a woman living day by day by the grace of God. Roll with me as I share thoughts about life, and I promise to never be anything other than what I am!
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
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