Wednesday, April 12, 2017

That Kind of Stuff Only Happens on TV

Sometimes I get confused. Penny, my beautiful disc bound Happy Planner, manages to keep me in line most of the time. But sometimes I do get confused.
Penny (Me & My Big Ideas Happy Planner)
Such was the case a couple weeks ago. My dear friend's mother had recently passed away. I have known this family since I was in 7th grade and it was a shock that, after winning the battle against cancer, Susie passed away. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that I was going to her funeral, and I would be there early to do whatever I could through this stressful event. But Princess Pea Pod had two friends spend the night and both sets of parents had to come before I could leave. I dashed out the door and was quickly brought to a standstill in traffic due to an accident. As it happened, I was running hopelessly late. My anxiety was through the roof as I dashed in (in the most ladylike manner) and signed the guest book, then ducked into the restroom to calm myself.

I walked into the chapel and everyone was already seated. It was silent. And I didn't recognize a soul. Now, we've been friends for a very long time and I know this family. I didn't see any of them. Not one familiar face. Then I looked at the casket and though, "Hmm... I thought she was going to be cremated."

Hello, anxiety. Back again so soon?

There was a lovely portrait next to the casket. It was a portrait of a lady who certainly was not Susie.

No joke, y'all. I went to the wrong funeral. The wrong ding-dang funeral!

I thought maybe I had gone into the wrong chapel, and that I would be late. The fact of the matter is that I was a week EARLY! I called my friend. "You're not going to believe this. I went to the wrong funeral." Let me tell y'all, her laughter made it all worth it. And Susie? Yeah, she would have totally laughed. Totally.

Now, if I can't laugh at my mistakes, then they own me. And I'm not going to be owned by regret or shame. So I laughed with them. I laughed with my friend and her family. I laughed with Hot Daddy and Princess Pea Pod, with my family and my friends. Because, as this friend said when I told her my tale, that kind of stuff only happens on tv... or to me!

Book Review - Storm Warning

Storm season in the Pacific Northwest is particularly harrowing this year, as it finds Remi Grant facing her demons and running for her life...