Thursday, August 19, 2010

Who I Am

There are a lot of ways a woman can describe herself. I am tall (or not) and thin (or slightly fluffy). I am eloquent (or refreshingly colloquial.) I am a shoe fiend (if the shoes are flip flops) or a shop-a-holic (as long as we stay out of the women's department.) I like yogurt (or cookies & cream ice cream) or I'm addicted to CNN (or HGTV.) These are just tidbits, but the meat of who I am is not even about me. Its about the perfectly flawed husband I wouldn't trade for the world. Its about the little giggling, wiggling blondie who flops across my head at 6 o'clock every morning and wakes me up so she can watch cartoons in daddy's & mommy's bed. Its the patient, loving parents who taught me so much about life and even more about what family means. It's the family and friends I love so much and who fill my little heart to bursting with joy. More than that, its about the Father who so lovingly fashioned these relationships in my life to show me a fraction of what His love looks like. The very Father who knit me in my mother's womb and knew me before I was even a twinkling in my daddy's eye.

Who am I? I am a sinner saved by grace, through faith. I am a sometimes-willful child whose Father disciplines from the heart, whose Father gives good things in spite of what I sometimes do to hurt Him. I am the lamb who wandered far from the flock, and whose Father left 99 to rescue this 1. I am the dead called back to life by the Messiah. I am simply a woman living each and every day by the grace of God.

So what is the purpose of this blog? Well, I don't get out much and sometimes I want to share something really profound (or not-so-much profound) and there's nobody to tell. Tag! You're it! Sometimes I'll be serious, sometimes I'll be fun. You'll probably want to stick around and see how it goes... you know... satisfy your curiosity.

Book Review - Storm Warning

Storm season in the Pacific Northwest is particularly harrowing this year, as it finds Remi Grant facing her demons and running for her life...